Barcelona Language and Culture
Whether you have arrived already or you are currently planning your trip to Barcelona... There are some things you might like to know about the language here!
Catalonia, boasts more than 1000 years of history and this has left an important mark on the people, who are very proud of their origins and of being Catalan. The inhabitants of Barcelona are descendants from those who enjoyed prosperous years in the Middle Ages and many of them suffered years of oppression even in the middle of the last century.
Not many people know that one of the oldest Parliaments in the world is the Catalan Parliament. This is what Mr. Pau Casals told the audience at the Assembly of the United Nations in 1971, before performing his marvellous piece "El Cant dels Ocells" (the Song of the Birds).
Today Catalonia has four provinces: Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona. Throughout the years this Nation in the Spanish State has been a welcoming land and the Catalans are more than happy to receive tourists from all over the world.
The Catalan people enjoy showing off their gems from the ancient past, as well as offering visitors enjoyable things to do and see.
This being said, if you have been brushing up on your Español prior to your trip to Barcelona... Do not fret! The vast majority of Catalan people can of course speak the Spanish language. Here you will find a nice list of the basics to get you started. Do not be scared to try some out when you are visiting Barcelona!
You will be surprised at the amount of help you receive upon trying out a new language with the "natives". It is lots of fun to try and you never know... Maybe you are about to uncover a hidden talent!
English | Catalan | Spanish |
Hello | Hola | Hola |
Goodbye | Adéu | Adiós |
Please | Per favor | Por favor |
Thanks | Gràcies | Gracias |
Thank you very much | Moltes gràcies | Muchas gracias |
Good morning | Bon dia | Buenos días |
Good afternoon | Bona tarda | Buenas tardes |
Good evening | Bona nit | Buenas noches |
How are you? | Què tal? | Qué tal? |
See you later | Fins després | Hasta luego |
See you tomorrow | Fins demà | Hasta mañana |
Have a good time | Que vagi bé | Que vaya bien |
My name is... | Em dic... | Me llamo... |
What time is it? | Quina hora és? | Qué hora es? |
Today | Avui | Hoy |
Yesterday | Ahir | Ayer |
Tomorrow | Demà | Mañana |
Good | Bé | Bien |
Bad | Malament | Mal |
Monday | Dilluns | Lunes |
Tuesday | Dimarts | Martes |
Wednesday | Dimecres | Miércoles |
Thursday | Dijous | Jueves |
Friday | Divendres | Viernes |
Saturday | Dissabte | Sábado |
Sunday | Diumenge | Domingo |
Day | Dia | Día |
Week | Setmana | Semana |
Month | Mes | Mes |
Year | Any | Año |
Open | Obert | Abierto |
Closed | Tancat | Cerrado |
Room | Habitació | Habitación |
Bed | Llit | Cama |
Kitchen | Cuina | Cocina |
Bath | Bany | Baño |
Waiter | Cambrer | Camarero |
Breakfast | Esmorzar | Desayuno |
Lunch | Dinar | Comida |
Dinner | Sopar | Cena |
A lot | Molt | Mucho |
Little | Poc | Poco |
How much is it? | Quant és? | Cuanto es? |
The Bill | El compte | La cuenta |
Do you accept credit cards? | Accepten targetes de crèdit? | Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? |
Cheap | Barat | Barato |
Expensive | Car | Caro |
Pharmacy | Farmàcia | Farmacia |
Market | Mercat | Mercado |
Post office | Correus | Correos |
Stamp | Segell | Sello |
Help | Ajut | Ayuda |
Bread | Pa | Pan |
Water | Aigua | Agua |
Beer | Cervesa | Cerveza |
Wine | Vi | Vino |
Meat | Carn | Carne |
Ham | Pernil | Jamón |
Chicken | Pollastre | Pollo |
Fish | Peix | Pescado |
Cheese | Formatge | Queso |
Fries | Patates fregides | Patatas fritas |
Rice | Arròs | Arroz |
Vegetables | Verdures | Verduras |
Salad | Amanida | Ensalada |
Onion | Ceba | Cebolla |
Pebrots | Pimientos |
Mushrooms | Bolets | Setas |
Nuts | Fruits secs | Frutos secos |
Cake | Pastís | Pastel |
Ice cream | Gelat | Heado |
Sweet | Dolç | Dulce |
Spicy | Picant | Picante |
Calent | Caliente |
Cold | Fred | Frío |
A coffee pleae | Un cafè sisplau | Un café por favor |
A cup of tea please | Un te sisplau | Un te por favor |
A table for two | Una taula per dos | Una mesa para dos |
Can I see the menu | Podria veure el menu | Podría ver el menu |
One | Un | Uno |
Two | Dos | Dos |
Three | Tres | Tres |
Four | Quatre | Cuatro |
Five | Cinc | Cinco |
Six | Sis | Seis |
Seven | Set | Siete |
Eight | Vuit | Ocho |
Nine | Nou | Nueve |
Then | Deu | Diez |
Vint | Veinte |
Thirty | Trenta | Treinta |
Fourty | Quaranta | Cuarenta |
Fifty | Cinquanta | Cincuenta |
Sixty | Seixanta | Sesenta |
Seventy | Setanta | Setenta |
Eighty | Vuitanta | Ochenta |
Ninety | Noranta | Noventa |
One hundred | Cent | Cien |
Five hundred | Cinc-sents | Quinientos |
One thousand | Mil | Mil |
Ten thousand | Deu mil | Diez mil |